7th Energy Infrastructure Forum 2024 Overview
The 7th Energy Infrastructure Forum 2024 is organized by U.S. Energy Stream, on October 15 & 16, 2024 at the Petroleum Club of Houston, TX.
The main topic of the Forum is: Energy Infrastructure: A New Era of Massive Investments
Building a reliable, affordable, and clean energy economy requires massive investments in infrastructure and technology. These investments need capital from the markets and permitting reform from the government. How can a permitting reform scale infrastructure? Where can we expect pinch points?
Increasingly power blackouts, higher energy demand, extreme weather conditions, and rising energy prices are dominating the economy. Electric vehicles (EVs) are hitting the road at a growing pace. New investments and new policies are making infrastructure a priority. How fast is the existing infrastructure becomes outdated? Transportation electrification is growing rapidly bringing the power sector and automobile industry together for a first time in the modern energy era. Skepticism has risen over whether the growing number of EV drivers will break down the electric grid. How can we prioritize a reliable driver experience while building an efficient grid for all stakeholders? How can we build the critical infrastructure by leveraging an “all of the above energy” mindset? What are the demand side levers and life style changes that we should consider to prioritize infrastructure?
U.S. LNG exports have been directed towards the European market after the Russian invasion to Ukraine. The U.S. natural gas industry creates new jobs, strengthens the energy security of our allies, and grows our economy. Rising natural gas demand and LNG exports require new gas pipelines. How can we overcome the challenges that hinder the development of new pipelines? How quickly can the U.S. Congress legislate a new permitting reform?
Energy capital and infrastructure take long time to turn in the overall economy. What policies and innovations can make the American economy more efficient in addressing the increased demand?
The Forum brings powerful U.S. Congressmen from both sides of the aisle together with top energy executives to convene for off-the-record discussions and provide market intelligence on the latest energy infrastructure such as LNG infrastructure, gas storage, O&G pipelines, power grids and power plants, renewable energy projects, upstream production, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen production, storage and transportation, nuclear SMR.
U.S. Energy Stream is the national corporate leader engaging U.S. Senators and Members of Congress, senior government leaders, energy executives, and investors to successfully address climate policy in the quest for net-zero emissions in a decarbonized energy future. Our customers trust U.S. Energy Stream’s mission to bring the highest intelligence to educate and empower business and government leaders to thrive.
The Forum is a private, invitation-only meeting. All proceedings are off the record, not for attribution or dissemination, and fully closed to the members of the press.